Harvey is leaning back in his chair, Mike is pacing nervously, and Rachel is sitting across the desk, arms crossed.
Harvey: Mike, life is a series of decisions. And in JavaScript, just like in this firm, you make those decisions with conditionals. If you do this, this happens. Else, well… you’re screwed.
Mike: Okay, but what if I don’t know what to do?
Harvey: That’s why you have else if
. But let’s start with the basics.
1. The if
Statement: Harvey’s Ultimatum
Scenario: Harvey gives Mike a life-or-death decision.
Harvey: Mike, here’s the deal. If you tell Rachel the truth about your secret, you’ll be fired. Else, you’ll stay. It’s binary. Just like an if
// Declare a constant variable 'tellTruth' and set it to false.
const tellTruth = false;
// Check if 'tellTruth' is true
if (tellTruth) {
// If true, log that Mike is fired
console.log("Mike is fired.");
} else {
// If false, log that Mike stays at Pearson Specter Litt.
console.log("Mike stays at Pearson Specter Litt.");
// Output: Mike stays at Pearson Specter Litt.
If the condition (
) istrue
, the first block runs.If it’s
, theelse
block runs.
Rachel (raising an eyebrow): So, Mike, what’s it gonna be?
2. The else if
Ladder: Rachel’s Negotiation
Scenario: Rachel is negotiating a settlement and has multiple options.
Rachel: Harvey, it’s not always black and white. Sometimes, you need more options. That’s where else if
comes in.
// Declare a constant variable 'settlementAmount' and set it to 1,000,000.
const settlementAmount = 1000000;
// Check if the settlement amount is greater than 2,000,000
if (settlementAmount > 2000000) {
// If true, reject the offer and go to trial
console.log("Reject the offer. We’re going to trial.");
// Otherwise, check if the settlement amount is at least 1,000,000
else if (settlementAmount >= 1000000) {
// If true, accept the offer as a fair deal
console.log("Accept the offer. It’s a fair deal.");
// If neither condition is met, it means the offer is too low
else {
// Counter the offer since it's a lowball
console.log("Counteroffer. They’re lowballing us.");
// Output: Accept the offer. It’s a fair deal.
else if
ladder lets you handle multiple conditions in order.The first condition that evaluates to
wins, and the rest are ignored.
Harvey (nodding): Not bad, Rachel. But what if I want to keep it simple?
3. Ternary Operator: Harvey’s One-Liner
Scenario: Harvey makes a quick decision on whether to take a case.
Harvey: Sometimes, you don’t need all the drama. Just a quick if-else
in one line. That’s the ternary operator.
// Declare a constant variable 'caseIsStrong' and set it to true.
const caseIsStrong = true;
// Use a ternary operator to decide whether to take the case or walk away.
const takeCase = caseIsStrong ? "Take the case." : "Walk away.";
// Print the decision
// Output: Take the case.
The ternary operator is perfect for quick decisions.
condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse
Mike (grinning): That’s so much cleaner than my nested if
Harvey (smirking): That’s why I’m the closer.
4. Nested Conditionals: Louis’s Overcomplication
Scenario: Louis Litt overcomplicates a decision with nested if
Louis: What if the client is unhappy? What if the judge rules against us? What if Donna finds out?
// Declare a constant variable 'clientIsHappy' and set it to true.
const clientIsHappy = true;
// Declare a constant variable 'judgeRulesInFavor' and set it to false.
const judgeRulesInFavor = false;
// Check if the client is happy
if (clientIsHappy) {
// If the client is happy, check if the judge ruled in our favor
if (judgeRulesInFavor) {
// If true, we win the case
console.log("Case closed. We win.");
} else {
// If false, appeal the decision
console.log("Appeal the decision.");
} else {
// If the client is not happy, prepare for a lawsuit
console.log("Prepare for a lawsuit.");
// Output: Appeal the decision.
Nested conditionals are powerful but can get messy.
Use them sparingly, or you’ll end up like Louis—overwhelmed and paranoid.
Donna (walking in): Louis, you’re overthinking this. Again.
5. Switch Statement: Jessica’s Strategic Move
Scenario: Jessica uses a switch
statement to handle multiple outcomes in a merger deal.
Jessica: When you have a lot of conditions, switch
is your best friend. It’s clean, efficient, and doesn’t waste time.
// Declare a constant variable 'mergerStatus' and set it to "approved".
const mergerStatus = "approved";
// Use a switch statement to handle different merger statuses
switch (mergerStatus) {
case "approved":
// If the merger is approved, celebrate the decision
console.log("Celebrate. We’re merging.");
break; // Stops execution after this case
case "pending":
// If the merger is pending, wait for the board’s decision
console.log("Wait for the board’s decision.");
case "rejected":
// If the merger is rejected, prepare for legal action
console.log("Plan B. We’re suing.");
// If the status is unknown, investigate the situation
console.log("Status unknown. Investigate.");
// Output: Celebrate. We’re merging.
is ideal for multiple fixed outcomes.Don’t forget the
statements, or you’ll fall through like a rookie.
Harvey (impressed): Jessica, you always know how to close the deal.
Closing Scene: Harvey’s Office
Harvey: Conditionals are like litigation. You weigh the options, make the call, and live with the consequences. But if you do it right, you’ll always come out on top.
Mike: So, what’s next? Loops?
Harvey: One case at a time, Mike. One case at a time.